Theatre of life: we live in our neighbourhoods and walk down the same streets day after day, greeting the same anonymous faces and entering the same stores and the same buildings without noticing the life pulsating within. Without being aware of it we play a role in a play, but don’t know the name of either the playwright or the director.
What if the curtain were to suddenly rise to reveal the real truth, the intangibles, all the acts and scenes bursting forth in our daily lives and all the characters who compose the backdrop of our existence?

Festival de Théâtre des Amériques, Montréal, 2003
With a portable CD player in hand, you make your way into real life, imperceptibly sliding into a fictitious world that is very real and yet also something else. It is a museum of living works of art where we are both witness and active participant. It is the infinite potential of reality revealed at long last.